This morning my 16-year-old son dropped my wife and I off at the school to start our day. When did this happen? It seems like it was just yesterday that he was bouncing on my knee and spilling milk on the table (sometimes he still does). Now he has become our occasional chauffeur when circumstances require it. The transition from child to young adult is something we often eagerly wish for. But when it arrives, the sudden transition is often filled with mixed emotions.
At recent Crosshill Board and staff meetings we have saturated ourselves in the passage of 1 Corinthians 3:5-11. Paul is speaking from the perspective of spiritual leadership while addressing a body of growing disciples. He writes, "For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field. God's building." What an apt description of the dynamics in the home, church, and our school! An exciting transition happens both subtly and suddenly in the lives of our children. As we plant and water the field of their hearts, God provides growth, constructing a temple for His presence. Our salvation through faith by the grace of God is intended to release maturity for His predesigned good works. How exciting to see fruit in the field of our children's lives! How grateful we are as a solid foundation is built upon the rock of salvation! And how remarkable when they enter into the service of their King as fellow workers alongside us. A teenager occasionally driving their parents around may appear to have little eternal consequence (as long as they arrive safely)! But our discipleship through parenting and schooling in all areas of their lives actually has immeasurable significance. Once the foundation of Jesus Christ is laid, every aspect of their lives can reflect God's glory. Though Paul never rode in an automobile, he would probably agree that the journey is as important as the destination! |
Adam Kronberger