A treasured tradition at our school is our annual Elementary Christmas Carol Sing. With students in pajamas sprawled across our sanctuary floor, we recite Scripture, listen to a Christmas story, and most importantly, sing the 12 Days of Christmas. Each of our classes is assigned one of the days, with students popping off the floor each time it is their turn.
In our packed all-school chapel this week we learned about the 7 C's of History. With students from different grades assisting me, we covered God's narrative of human existence. Or some might say, His Story. Creation - Corruption - Catastrophe - Confusion - Christ - Cross - Consummation It is important that students understand and perceive the history of our existence from the correction viewpoint. God's viewpoint. Scripture, science, and our spirit-led wisdom provide us with this accurate window, often called a Christian worldview. These truths help us know that we are made in God's image. They explain how sin and brokenness invaded God's original perfect design. They provide a glimpse into the origins of our present geography and people groups. They supply us the joy of full redemption and communion with our Holy Creator. And they promise us a future that cannot be shaken or taken from us. It may be quite a while until you hear the 12 Days of Christmas ringing in your ears. But when you do, think about the "7 C's of History" as well. Leaping Lords, Gold Rings, and Pear Trees are just a shadow of the cumulative story God is writing in front of our eyes! Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger