This is free money for college. :-]
Take advantage of the web to gather valuable information to assist in your college choice decision, to learn more about college financing options, and to begin the required application procedures.
Take advantage of the web to gather valuable information to assist in your college choice decision, to learn more about college financing options, and to begin the required application procedures.
There are various ways to save for college, but a 529 College Savings Plan offers incentives such as income tax deductions and tax credits.
Students interested in serving in the military can train for service while earning their bachelor's degree.
Depending on the scholarship acceptance and degree level being obtained, a student can expect to serve anywhere from 4-12 years of active duty in the military post college graduation.
Depending on the scholarship acceptance and degree level being obtained, a student can expect to serve anywhere from 4-12 years of active duty in the military post college graduation.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
The FAFSA is a free application to be filled out yearly by both the student and their parents (unless the student cannot be claimed as a dependent). A family must complete and file their yearly income taxes prior to filling out the FAFSA. Here is an article to better understand "How Much Financial Aid Will I Get From FAFSA?"
Once completed, the government will give students their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Colleges and universities determine how much institutional need-based scholarship they will award based upon your EFC, along with the amount of loans and grant money.
You have until June 30, 2018 to complete your FAFSA for the 2017-2018 school year.*
*Please be aware that this is a FREE application that the government provides to you. Do not fall for the scam websites and pay any fees to fill this out.
The FAFSA is a free application to be filled out yearly by both the student and their parents (unless the student cannot be claimed as a dependent). A family must complete and file their yearly income taxes prior to filling out the FAFSA. Here is an article to better understand "How Much Financial Aid Will I Get From FAFSA?"
Once completed, the government will give students their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Colleges and universities determine how much institutional need-based scholarship they will award based upon your EFC, along with the amount of loans and grant money.
You have until June 30, 2018 to complete your FAFSA for the 2017-2018 school year.*
*Please be aware that this is a FREE application that the government provides to you. Do not fall for the scam websites and pay any fees to fill this out.
Student loans have a variety of positives and negatives to each type with differing terms and conditions. Please take the time to learn all you can about any loans that you intend to accept.
These loans have fixed interest rates as determined by the federal government:
These are loans that you can obtain directly from a private bank. The loan terms and repayment agreement is determined by the lending institution. |