“It is like God is up there grating parmesan cheese on us!”
This declaration came from one of our students as they passed me at the crosswalk this week. Surprise snowflakes were landing on us before school started. What a terrific and tasty word picture! And what a fantastic default worldview! The Psalmist writes that the whole earth is filled with awe at the wonders of God. Do you quickly give God the glory for all the regular wonders we experience daily? Outside of parenting in the home, Christian schooling is the most effective medium for discipleship training. We train our students to choose to surrender their lives to God’s leading regularly. This type of surrender requires a maturing faith. A faith that is authentic and fully integrated into every area of life. And our classrooms intentionally connect the creation we study with the Creator we worship. Discipleship training at Crosshill helps students establish their faith through learning and growth activities. God authors all truth, and the investigation of His creation always points back to Him. And even this world's brokenness affirms our need for a Savior who has redeemed us! So whether it is the crosswalk, the classroom, or the kitchen table, allow the daily wonders of His creation to point us to God's glory! This week I was summoned into one of our Kindergarten classrooms. The students had been learning about local government and were practicing their skills in democracy. The small gathering of Junior Senators had passed a measure (almost unanimously) declaring every Thursday as Ice Cream Day for their class. The measure was being presented to me, the residing “President” of Crosshill Christian School, for final approval.
I regretted informing them that the measure could not be signed into law as written. While I am a huge fan of Ice Cream and Kindergarteners, I am also a big supporter of learning and limited sugar hysteria. As I prepared to VETO the measure, the young politicians jumped in to stop me. They had prepared an amended measure just in case! Rather than demanding Ice Cream every Thursday, the compromised bill simply declared next Thursday as Ice Cream Day for them. After the cabinet of lawmakers assured me there would be enough ice cream to share with me next week, I quickly signed the legislation into law! Even with ice cream, human governments mostly leave us wanting more. The shortcomings of earthly systems, and the brokenness of human character are inadequate to provide inerrant guidance for citizens. Fortunately for us, God never intended our lives to be patterned after this world. “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8 This Old Testament command, partnered with the New Testament gospel, provides a principle worthy for our homes, schools, and churches. His truth, founded from His love for us, only provides freedom and life. While the ruler of this world always vetos God’s legislation, any community of families can override this veto through unified faith. May we not grow weary in doing good. God is on the throne! Have you ever been sent to the Principal’s office? I shared that experience a couple of times in my youth. As an adult, I have been on the other side of the desk a few hundred times. Students are sent to the Principal’s office because they are in need. In need of correction. In need of training. In need of prayer. In need of discipline. These needs exist as a result of the sin that exists in this broken world. They affirm our Christian worldview that God is perfect, we are made in His image, yet His perfect creation has been marred by sin. These needs allow us as leaders and parents to point others to the gospel and how Jesus made us right with God. Our response is to claim this “rightness” and walk in it according to His life-giving love, joy, peace, and hope.
Here at Crosshill, many students visit with the Principal not as a result of sin, but because of Jesus. That is, many of these meetings are motivated by a request of the student. Their needs may be a bit different. They need wisdom. They need counsel. They need partnership. They need challenging. They are students who take the next step in their authentic faith. To move beyond the starting line of salvation and into the race of running in the Spirit. They want to help in chapels, start Bible studies, and make a difference in God’s Kingdom. The writer of Hebrews encourages us that we have a Great High [Principal], Jesus the Son of God. His office is in the heavens, at the right hand of the throne of God. Our needs to receive mercy and find grace are always met, whether someone sends us to His office, or we make our own appointment (Hebrews 4:14-16). Whether our experience in the Principal’s office has been positive or not, may we as parents actively pursue God’s office. May His presence be common in our homes, cars, and activities. May his correction, counsel, wisdom, encouragement, and even discipline be a constant source of life. May it be clear to others that we have been sent to the Principal's (God's) office every day! |
Adam Kronberger