One of the greatest parts of our jobs is the daily opportunity to connect with students, often in unique and interesting ways. The other day I was briefly covering the front desk at the high school building. A new student from one of our middle grades popped in to use the restroom. As she glanced over in my direction, a look of surprise came over her face as she did not expect to find me sitting in that chair. As we have quickly become good friends this year, she did not hesitate to jump into a dialogue:
“So, do you pretty much do everything around here?” “No, not quite. I’m just filling in at the moment.” Not yet fully satisfied with our verbal exchange, she continued: “So, do you pretty much own this place?” Hmmm, I thought to myself. What an interesting question. Let me attempt to navigate this one: “No, I don’t own anything. God owns it all. We are just renting it from Him.” And as an afterthought, “And he is a very good landlord!” Satisfied with my response, she began walking toward her original destination. But then suddenly she turned back and exclaimed: “LandLORD! Good one Mr. K.” As she walked away, I chuckled to myself. How fun it is to hang out with your kids and teenagers! They reveal something new to me every day. Let’s allow God to use this fun exchange to remind us of His sovereignty. He is indeed the landLORD over everything He has created, and He rules His properties with perfect goodness. The rental rates are amazing, as Jesus has already paid it all on the cross. As His favored tenants, He simply asks us to be stewards of all of His gifts He lends to us. And when the roof of our lives is leaking, and the appliances we put our trust in break down, be quick to give a call to our landLORD. He sent His son Jesus to fill in the gap between perfection and our broken existence. His divine crew of 3 are always on call! Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger