by Adam Kronberger / Head of School
Life is full of dualistic balancing acts. As an OSU graduate, the black and orange are often prominently worn, and other times of the year I confess the Beaver colors are hidden in my closet. After a hike I am proud to be an Oregonian, but after a difficult political season, perhaps not as much. Even as Christians, we experience citizenship in this world, but also citizenship in His Kingdom. We choose daily which Kingdom to serve as these Kingdoms collide. Christian schooling is such a great example of this fragile balancing act. As parents release their children to the care of others, the influence from adults and other peers will greatly determine the formation of children’s lives. It is easy to simply want our children to be safe, protected, and completely shielded from the world. This loving intention is our responsibility as parents. Jesus helps clarify the larger responsibility in John 17:16,18 “They (God’s children) are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” The process of discipleship training certainly requires an environment that places the gospel of Jesus Christ at its center. Yet the process is for a greater end of bringing glory to God through the demonstration of His love to a fallen world. The past few years, elementary students on the Keizer campus have committed to praying and helping support a missionary family in Ukraine. The family has committed their life to helping orphans in Ukraine who desperately need to experience God’s Fatherly love that comes from another Kingdom. The missionary family continues to adopt those society has discarded, and is building facilities to broaden the impact of their ministry. At a recent chapel, students were introduced to the fruit of their commitment as they met those who have been adopted, both in person and in video. While students are daily impacted through Biblical teaching and discipleship training, they are also called daily to consider God’s purpose for their lives. The inward transformation as a disciple is designed for an outward manifestation that shares His goodness to the world. June Jubilee Update Gifts have already been pledged in preparation for the capital campaign during the month of June. A generous donor is providing $100,000 in matching funds. The value of every cash gift will be matched and doubled during the month of June. Many families are choosing to give their monthly tuition payment that is not collected during the month of June. If everyone participates in some way, we can maximize this opportunity and raise $200,000. Your giving allows the school to continue to grow its programs, facilities, and resources without large tuition increases. – Adam Kronberger / Head of School Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger