by Adam Kronberger / Head of School
This past month over 100 students from prospective families visited our 2 campuses during Open Houses and campus tours. It is so much fun to host interested families and introduce them to the Crosshill community! But for our staff to truly tell our story well, they must be excellent at bragging. But not bragging as the world defines bragging. The prophet Isaiah instructs us to not boast in our perceived wisdom, or in our perceived strength and power, or in our perceived riches. But rather we should “boast in this, that he understands and knows me (God), that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 9:23-24). Every good thing that happens on our campuses is a direct result of the leading of the Lord, and that is something to brag about! You might be wondering how I prepare our humble staff to boldly boast in the Lord. The training I provide is actually quite easy. I simply tell them to talk to you, our Crosshill families. You are the source of so much encouragement and constant testimonies of God at work. In fact, most of the families interested in our community are first sold on our school through conversations with you. With well over 90% retention from year to year, our families’ committed devotion to God in the Crosshill community is very attractive. We rejoice that God continues to clearly provide instructions to our community of parents, leaders, and teachers about His will. Our mission is to train disciples. Our message is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our method is thousands of hours of life-on-life relationships through schooling, partnerships, and amazing activities. Yet at times, we can all fall short of God’s plans. But Jesus himself declares to us that His power is made perfect in our weakness, and so we should continue to brag even in our weaknesses (2 Cor. 12:9)! As prospective families spoke with me this month, they specifically stated a desire for their children to experience discipleship training on a daily basis. They were excited about a school that not only emphasizes salvation for their children, but a compassion and passion for the Good News to reach the lost. They are looking for a support system to partner with, led by the Lord. Pray with us that we continue to grow into the community that God desires! Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger