by Adam Kronberger / Superintendent
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago had an impact on history like none other. The growth of the early church was evidence of His authority and the power of His blood shed for the sins of all mankind. Among those to directly receive His love, Jesus chose 12 men to train and share His love with others. This discipleship training was the foundation of the growth of the early church. The apostle Paul relates how 3,000 were added to the church in a single day as they heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. The instructions given by Jesus called the Great Commission had begun to be fulfilled. One of the key components of discipleship training is an understanding and passion for the Great Commission. Disciples of Jesus deliberately and strategically pursue sharing the love of Jesus with others. We are called to make disciples of all nations. This commandment must first be fulfilled in our homes, churches, and schools. The staff of Crosshill Christian School partner with families in this discipleship training. From helping make Jesus their “forever friend”, to viewing all truth through the context of a Christian worldview, discipleship training is an important component of God’s design for the Kingdom of heaven. During the past four years, enrollment at Crosshill Christian School has grown dramatically from 252 students to 420 students. There are 27 total classrooms used on both campuses, many at capacity. New sections of classes may be created for next year, though some classes on both campuses will be full very soon. The school facilities are maxed out. Church on the Hill recognizes that its school ministry, Crosshill Christian School, is providing discipleship training to a growing number of families in the Willamette Valley. It is with joy and humility that the church and school are considering how God wants to expand its facilities to serve more families. The mission of the school has never been directly about growth, but rather discipleship training. But much like the early church, the love and power of Jesus is very real and transformational. More and more families committed to Jesus are looking for an environment that provides further training as the hearts and minds of our children are captured for Christ. The school looks forward to the Celebrate Crosshill event coming up Friday, April 21st. Come join in the celebration of how salvation has come and is alive in our families. Come and be a part of what we believe God is doing on our campuses for this generation and the generation to come. – Adam Kronberger / Superintendent Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger