by Molly Dillon / Keizer Campus Principal
At the end of each day before I leave the school, I recount my top three positive moments. The majority of these moments involve students, so I leave each day wholeheartedly appreciative that God allows me to be a part of what He is doing in the lives of these precious children. Recently, I had the opportunity to teach Bible in one of our elementary classes, and became completely blessed by the unexpected level of pure joy and excitement brought about by studying God's word together. The enthusiasm was contagious as students clamored to share their understanding of the scriptures, and how the biblical principle applied to their lives. As I praised God for that wonderful experience I realized they are closer to becoming what Dr. Todd J. Williams describes as “integrated people”. Our driving ambition is to intentionally keep Christ and God's Word at the center of everything at Crosshill through the practice of Biblical Worldview Integration. Dr. Williams shares that “integration is much more than a concept or set of ideas we adhere to; it must be a characteristic and quality of our Christian schools, making integration so personal that we cannot help but become integrated people”. A key to God’s plan for developing integrated people is found in Deuteronomy 6:5-9, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.” At the heart of integration is the realization that “God has something to say about every part of our lives and in turn, every part of our lives will have something to say about God”. The power, affection, and sufficiency of God must permeate every area for our students, not simply to counteract the brokenness of the world, but to bring about a wholeness that God intends for everyone to experience. Our children are purposed to become influencers, reflecting Christ to the world; therefore praise, worship, service, and godly thinking must become more than what they do, it has to become a part of who they are. In the classroom that afternoon I observed little modern-day versions of Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus, and miniature versions of Paul, boldly preaching the Word. It was a glimpse into their lives that reflected a love and passion for God and His Word cultivated by a strongly committed community of integrated people. Contagious faith - it doesn’t get much better than this! – Molly Dillon / Keizer Campus Principal Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger