by Adam Kronberger / Head of School
Over 22 years ago I sat down for lunch at a restaurant 300 miles from home. I ordered a Bacon Cheeseburger while taking a break from my summer job that took me throughout the Pacific Northwest. A beautiful waitress delivered my food and my future was instantly changed. I had met the person I would spend the rest of my life with. Through 2 years of long-distance dating, I was intent on making the best impression on my soon-to-be-bride (you know her now as Mrs. K.). The words that came out of my mouth, the behaviors that flowed from my heart, even the intentions that might be written on my face were carefully selected and reflected on. While I must confess I am less concerned about impressing my wife these days, our deepening relationship has developed a oneness that easily supersedes the moments we shared when we first met. King David writes, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). Too often we view our redeemer Jesus Christ in the past tense. We might categorize the redeeming power at the cross as a historical footnote over 2000 years ago. Or we might consider our own personal day of salvation when we put our trust in Jesus Christ as a former page or perhaps chapter in our lives. But King David reminds us that Jesus is always our redeemer, including today. The redemption he provided us at the cross and our confession and belief in Him was simply the beginning of our journey with Him. Just as I have eaten many Bacon Cheeseburgers since the day I met my wife, a deepening relationship as a disciple of Jesus should cause us to daily “hunger and thirst for righteousness.” – Adam Kronberger / Head of School Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger