by Adam Kronberger / Head of School
Some of the most amazing things only happen once in a lifetime. The birth of a child, a solar eclipse, the final attainment of a dream. There are other events we only wish would happen more often in our lifetime. The perfect stock pick, a lucky raffle ticket, the long anticipated championship season. Still, other events happen that we are grateful only can happen once in a lifetime. Chicken Pox, a baby’s first painful teeth, adolescence. There are other responsibilities that sometimes I wish would only need to happen once in a lifetime. For example, I have already proven I can do the dishes successfully. Why do I need to continue to prove myself? And another thing. Everyone knows I can be patient if I really try. Haven’t I already passed that test? And finally, nobody even knows when I am being humble. When is it my turn to brag a little? What do you want from me! The human qualities of service, character, and humility are not once-in-a-lifetime events that can be checked off your life to-do-list. Rather they are qualities of integrity which carry the most weight demonstrated consistently in the present. If I struggle with these qualities in my home, why should I be surprised that my own children struggle with doing family chores, waiting their turn, and showing honor to others first. An 11-year old once wrote in a letter: “Dear God, my dad thinks he is you. Please straighten him out.” OUCH! Each student at Crosshill Christian possesses an eternal value that we try to remind them of every day. At the same time, we also combat current culture which claims they are the center of the universe.Adam and Eve attempted to replace God and we all know how that ended. Ironically, we want students to become more like God in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Even though He is God, He came in an attitude of service, character, and humility. That’s a challenging yet valuable expectation to have of our students. As teachers and parents, may we be quick to model service in our classrooms and homes, striving for consistent character, with the humility to admit our shortcomings. In all things, this will point to the most important event in anybody’s lifetime, the gospel of Jesus Christ. – Adam Kronberger / Head of School Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger