by Adam Kronberger / Head of School
There I was, standing on the corner of Marion and High Street in downtown Salem with my back pressed against the brick wall, trying not to make eye contact with anyone walking on the street. It was my second time participating in the Gospel Guy ministry and I was doing my best to not get too involved. My job was to look friendly and joyfully approach strangers to strike up a conversation with them that would eventually lead to sharing the gospel. Instead, I think the vibe I was putting off was a loud-and-clear “stay away!” Still, I was doing my best to pray and be obedient. Finally, a little old lady appeared a block away and was heading my way. Here was my chance. An easy target to get my feet wet. As she neared, I began my approach, and then curtly performed a 180 and walked away. I remember very distinctly like it was yesterday. God asked me, “Are you ashamed of me? Are you ashamed of the gospel?” It was easy to immediately provide an answer. “No, I am NOT ashamed of you. I am NOT ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!” While my flesh was weak, my Spirit was willing and strong. God gently replied, “Then why are you hiding? I have the best gift in the world and I want you to share it with others.” This dialogue continued for a few minutes. I felt like it was halftime of the Superbowl and my coach was giving me a personal pep talk. Soon, my chin began to rise, my chest puffed out, and I chose to discipline my body to walk in tune with the Spirit as I eagerly accepted God’s instructions for me for the rest of the afternoon. While I wish I could report that many souls were saved that day, what I can say is that I was eventually simply obedient and took the plunge to share my faith with strangers. I also wish I could say that it is now easy for me and that I am always simply obedient, but I am still a work in progress. That day was a spiritual marker in my life. When the Israelites exited the land of Egypt and the yoke of slavery, they crossed the Jordan River on dry ground. God had miraculously stopped up the river miles upstream (at a town named Adam). He then instructed them to take 12 stones from the dry river bed to their camp that night as a physical and spiritual marker to always remember the greatness of God. God invites us to experience and remember spiritual markers in our own lives. Sometimes it can be as spontaneous as a witnessed healing right before our eyes. Other times, we might walk out a plan part of the way, and then the Lord shows up to establish our steps, such as a timely baptism, or a holy marriage, or a blessed job. When we choose to step out in faith, just as the nation of Israel did when they dipped their toes in the Jordan River, God does something that strengthens and grows our faith. It is one thing to wear a t-shirt that says “I am not ashamed.” It is altogether (for me at least) another thing to act like it in all circumstances. Each month, Crosshill High School students are put in the same position I was as they share the gospel of Jesus Christ with our larger community through love and friendship. Pray that the “student surpasses the teacher” as these courageous young men and women step out in faith and have an encounter with the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. – Adam Kronberger / Head of School Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger