Leaders on our campus are constantly asking this question: "What does God expect of us?" It's a way of holding ourselves accountable for pursuing God's purposes. It is so easy for our own personal preferences and ambitions to cloud the mission and vision God desires for His school. Following the wrong path is both futile and wasteful. So what is God's path for Crosshill? What does He expect of us? We firmly believe that Crosshill exists as a direct response to God's directive. We believe His particular mission for Crosshill is to train disciples. We believe His vision for Crosshill is to graduate students who have a clear assurance of their salvation, who are surrendered to Christ's Lordship, and who desire to serve in His Kingdom in various ways. We believe that Crosshill is His school and our team are simply stewards of it. One area of stewardship is cultivating a community intended to experience this mission and vision. We are constantly considering how to develop a school that is prepared to receive the families God wants to bring to us. It often requires an identity of shepherds who are constantly providing love, safety, and nourishment for growth to their flock. In addition, God is in charge of what sheep go in and out of the gates. The chart below gives a numerical snapshot of the journey God has taken us on over the past decade. In response to God's leading, we have gradually been increasing our campus capacity. These steps have been in preparation for the families God has designed to join our community. Currently, our campus is designed for a student capacity of around 600 students. We believe this capacity is what God expects of us for the foreseeable future. Enrollment of new families is always a prayerful and strategic partnership. We are constantly asking, "What does God expect of us?" when making these decisions. God has entrusted us with a specific community in His Kingdom. What a responsibility! This same principle holds true in our families. Our children are on loan from God. Our parenting decisions should be prayerful and strategic as we continue to pursue his purposes in our lives and the lives of our children.
Over the summer, we will be moving some of our modular classroom buildings as part of our master plan to improve campus access and space availability. Additional bathrooms will also be installed. As we look to the future, we desire to add another gym as well as additional spaces for different career and trade instruction. Once again, thank you for your partnership with Crosshill. For some, this journey has spanned decades! For others, this fall will be their first season in our community. Regardless, it's always exciting seeking to understand and fulfill what God expects of us! Comments are closed.
Adam Kronberger